Lugged the beast of a camera, the Mamiya RB67, down to the beach, and my little land shark, Raven, loves to pose.
120 filmit will be interesting to see this site in a few years curious to see what comes of this structure. it was a rotary kiln for the haydite mine. now it stands alone, except for those that venture off the path slightly.
productTo give yourself over to another body That’s all you want really To be out of your own and consumed by another To swim inside the skin of your lover Not have to breathe Not have to think But you can’t live on love And salt water’s no drink
productit was full of waves she wanted to keep going, pulling me over, knocking me down over the craggy rocks but, why not wander off the normal path go, adventure on you, being of fortitude
productIngenuityFest is a great art and maker space to experience. Quite a few new spaces this year along with past installations to see among the new pieces. The event is held this weekend ending on Sunday September 24th.