
IngenuityFest 2023

Matt Hughes
Sep 23, 2023
2 min read

Biologies & Geologies

Explored IngenuityFest with a couple friends last night, haven't been there in a few years. It's a great art and maker space to experience. Quite a few new spaces this year along with past installations to see among the new pieces. The event is held this weekend ending on Sunday September 24th. I have a 5k race to run on Sunday morning but will probably go back to get some more pictures as the spaces get more mature. Shannon and the Clams played Friday night with more music throughout the next few days. I have a few more pictures to go through so they will get posted here along with anything else I capture on Sunday.

IngenuityFest 2023 - Ingenuity Cleveland
IngenuityFest is Cleveland’s Iconic Annual Festival of Art and Technology, Creativity and Innovation, taking place each year in September.

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